Picky Choosy
AGENCY McCann Zagreb
YEAR 2016
Picky Choosy

Picky Choosy

Approach your customers with a specifically targeted app

During the Zagreb Design Week our telecom provider interacted with potential clients through an engaging web app aimed at a specific target – graphic designers. Contestants were challenged to guess the RGB or CMYK values for selected colour. Depending on their results, the contestants were placed in one of three categories, ranging from a “perspective daltonist” to “master designer”.

YEAR 2016

Does your business require a similar service? Would you like more information on this particular project? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

* By submitting the message you agree to be contacted back regarding the inquiry. Your personal contact information will be stored, but won’t be used for other purposes.
* By submitting the message you agree to be contacted back regarding the inquiry. Your personal contact information will be stored, but won’t be used for other purposes.

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